Ph.D. Course in Science and Technology for Sustainable Development

University G. d’Annunzio Chieti – Pescara
School of Advanced Studies
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About Us

The main objective of the PhD course in Sciences and Technologies for Sustainable Development is to train professional profiles that integrate sustainability skills with the technical abilities required by specific functions, through transdisciplinary training for the acquisition of new skills for the environmental, economic and social aspects of sustainable development in line with the sDGS of the UN 2030 agenda.

Climate, Energy and Urban System

Focused on education, on the basic knowledge of climate change and increasing pollution and on the research of their impacts on ecosystems and on the territory. Other fields of research are energy transition, decarbonisation of the economy, smart cities and urban planning and finally on mitigation and adaptation to climate and environmental changes.

Circular Economy

Focused on training to accelerate transition to the circular economy through the innovation of production models of goods and services of companies, businesses and local authorities and awareness of responsible consumption.

Health Social Inclusion

Focused on training on the impact of climate, environmental, urban and economy changes on human health, migration, community inclusion.

Ph.D. Faculty Members

Piero Di Carlo

Piero Di Carlo

Ph.D. Coordinator

Bruna Sinjari

Bruna Sinjari

Vice Ph.D. Coordinator

Eleonora Aruffo

Eleonora Aruffo

Patrizia Ballerini

Patrizia Ballerini

William H. Brune

William H. Brune

Guido Camata

Guido Camata

Augusta Consorti

Augusta Consorti

Armando Della Porta

Armando Della Porta

Pietro Di Profio

Pietro Di Profio

Matteo Di Venosa

Matteo Di Venosa

Alfredo Grilli

Alfredo Grilli

Roderic L. Jones

Roderic L. Jones

Mara Maretti

Mara Maretti

Sergio Montelpare

Sergio Montelpare

Giustino Orlando

Giustino Orlando

Caterina Palestini

Caterina Palestini

Mirko Pesce

Mirko Pesce

Edilio Valentini

Edilio Valentini

Michelina Venditti

Michelina Venditti

Tania Zulli

Tania Zulli

Ph.D. Students

XL Cycle
Banzi Marcella

Banzi Marcella

Belli Luigia

Belli Luigia

Bruno Ida

Bruno Ida

D'Ignazio Miriam

D'Ignazio Miriam

Fanghella Francesco

Fanghella Francesco

Genovesi Gianluca

Genovesi Gianluca

Parone Christian

Parone Christian

Savini Alessia

Savini Alessia

Alla Iris

Alla Iris

Cipollone Valentina

Cipollone Valentina

Core Gian Luigi

Core Gian Luigi

D'Ambrosio Mattia

D'Ambrosio Mattia

De Luca Alessandra

De Luca Alessandra

 Kanwal Shamsa

Kanwal Shamsa

Lolli Stella

Lolli Stella

Martinotti Caterina

Martinotti Caterina

Nanni Angelica

Nanni Angelica

Ranieri Roberta

Ranieri Roberta

Salvatori Clara

Salvatori Clara

Angeles Flores Giancarlo

Angeles Flores Giancarlo

D'Orazio Alessia

D'Orazio Alessia

Di Simone Simonetta Cristina

Di Simone Simonetta Cristina

Frangipani Claudia

Frangipani Claudia

Haseeb Muhammad

Haseeb Muhammad

Iannamico Domenico

Iannamico Domenico

Nilofar Nilofar

Nilofar Nilofar

Rossetti Rebecca

Rossetti Rebecca

Tafuri Giuseppe

Tafuri Giuseppe

Wolicki Rafal Damian

Wolicki Rafal Damian

Asif Javed

Asif Javed

 Alessandra Acquaviva

Alessandra Acquaviva

Chiara Aufiero

Chiara Aufiero

Gloria Bazzoni

Gloria Bazzoni

Celeste D'Ercoli

Celeste D'Ercoli

Lia Fedele

Lia Fedele

Eugenio Manciocchi

Eugenio Manciocchi

Pierluca Nuccetelli

Pierluca Nuccetelli

Riccardo Pulcini

Riccardo Pulcini

Alessandro Ricciutelli

Alessandro Ricciutelli

International Seminars

Thematic Seminars

Teaching activities will be combined with seminars on the main topics of the PhD Course in Science and Technology for Sustainable Development held by distinguished scientists and speakers from other universities, research centers and companies, both Italian and international, upon invitation from the Coordinator or other professors of the PhD Teaching Board.


Seminars and courses organized by the Scuola Superiore

Other courses and seminars, shared with other Ph.D. Courses of the University ‘G. d’Annunzio’ of Chieti-Pescara, will be organized by the Scuola Superiore every year. The seminars and courses are:

Scientific English

Safety in Research Workplaces

Valorisation of research activity: presentation of patent proposals

School of Advanced Studies



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